Monday, April 27, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Picking a co-founder is your most important decision. It’s more important than your product, market, and investors.
The ideal founding team is two individuals, with a history of working together, of similar age and financial standing, with mutual respect. One is good at building products and the other is good at selling them.
The power of two
Two is the right number — avoid the three-body problem. Think Jobs and Wozniak, Allen and Gates, Ellison and Lane, Hewlett and Packard, Larry and Sergei, Yang and Filo, Omidyar and Skoll.
One founder companies can work, against the odds (hello, Mark Zuckerberg). So can three founder companies (hello, @biz, @ev, and @jack). In three founder companies, the politics can be tough — gang-up votes, jockeying for board seats, etc. — but it’s manageable. Four is an extremely unstable configuration and five is right out. When 4-5 founder companies work, it’s because two founders dominate.
Two founders works because unanimity is possible, there are no founder politics, interests can easily align, and founder stakes are high post-financing.
Someone you have history with
You wouldn’t marry someone you’d just met. Date first. Guess which pair of famous co-founders is in this photo:
Go through something difficult, like a Prisoner’s Dilemma or a Zero-Sum Game. If being ethical was lucrative, everyone would do it!
One builds, one sells
The best builders can prototype and perhaps even build the entire product, end-to-end. The best sellers can sell to customers, partners, investors, and employees.
The seller doesn’t have to be a “salesman” or “business guy”. He can be technical, but he must be able to wield the tools of influence. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs aren’t salesmen, but they are sellers.
Aligned motives required
If one founder wants to build a cool product, another one wants to make money, and yet another wants to be famous, it won’t work.
Pay close attention — true motivations are revealed, not declared.
Criteria: Intelligence, energy, and integrity
It’s not the kid you grew up next to. It’s not the person you like the most. It’s not the hacker most willing to work for free.
It’s someone of incredibly high intelligence, energy, and integrity. You’ll need all three yourself, and a shared history, to evaluate your co-founder.
Don’t settle
If it doesn’t feel right, keep looking. If you’re compromising, keep looking. A company’s DNA is set by the founders, and its culture is an extension of the founders’ personalities.
Pick “nice” guys
Avoid overly rational short-term thinkers. There are bounds to rationality. Partner with someone who is irrationally ethical, or a rational believer that nice guys finish first. Be especially careful with the “sales” guy here.
What you don’t know
Business founders who don’t code use bad proxies for picking technical co-founders (“10 years with Java!”). Technical founders who don’t sell also use bad proxies (“Harvard MBA!”). Learn enough of the other side to have an informed opinion. If you’re not seriously impressed, move on.
What if the right guy already has his own startup? Convince him to work on yours part-time — he’ll drop his idea once yours gets traction.
Breakups are hard
If you’re going to fall out with your co-founder, do it early, recover the equity into the option pool to keep the company going, and recruit someone else great to fill the missing slot. Build in founder vesting (a.k.a. the “Pre-Nup”) to keep the breakup from getting messy. Building a great company without a partner is like raising kids without a…
Nearly everything I’ve written on this topic applies to dating and marriage. Coincidence?
Go forth and multiply.
Monday, April 6, 2015
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Online Presence
From the Shopify Blog
1. "If You Build It They Will Come" Mentality
They won’t. Building your business (and traffic) takes time, energy and effort. According to Internet Live Stats, the internet has about 1,202,012,086 websites at this very moment, and according to WorldWideWebSize there are 4.44 billion pages. Take a moment to think about that. When you create your store, you will be website number 1,202,012,087. How are people going to find you?
Building the most beautiful site and filling it with great products won’t make customers come. When you start a business, you have to realize that launching your store is just the first step in a great journey to building your business. There are however many steps that come after launch.
2. No Logo
A logo is usually the first thing a visitor sees and one of the first impressions of your online store. Most if not all ecommerce platforms will display your shop title in standard text if you don’t upload a logo yourself, but this isn’t good enough.
So why do so many people launch stores with no logos?
Usually it’s because most people still think that in order to get a logo made, they need to find a designer and spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars. The fact is though, this isn’t true. Far from it. There are so many options available now for creating a free or very inexpensive logo that there’s no reason your shop should be using a default text logo.
Image Credit: DesignDistrict
3. No Social Proof and Forcing Social Proof
We all know that social proof can help with conversions. It’s not for lack of trying that many new merchants are failing at this though. Most of the time, the social proof is being implemented wrong or it's forced.
Let’s take a look at several ways you can implement social proof wrong and why it does more harm than good:
Reviews. What Reviews?
We often tout that adding reviews to your online store is a great thing and can help conversions. While reviews can definitely lead to increased conversions, if implemented at the wrong time, they may also do the exact opposite.
When you’re first starting out, you probably want to consider holding off on adding a product review section to every product page until you have some customers that you can ask for reviews from. This is especially important if you have a larger catalogue of products.
As a visitor, looking at a store or a product page that has a reviews app with no reviews can be a cause for concern. Why are there no review? Has anyone purchased this product before? This acts in the exact opposite of social proof causing customers to question if they should purchase from you.
Prominently Featuring Social Accounts with No Followers
Much like the reviews, many online shoppers use social media as a trust indicator when purchasing from a store for the first time. You can be on every single social network but if you have no followers and engagement, it may end up doing more harm than good.
So what’s the solution? Instead of prominently displaying all of the wonderful social networks you’re part of, start with one and work on building up a decent following. As you begin to build it, you can add and display new social networks. This will also give you some focus and allow you to better explore the potential benefits of each channel rather than scattering yourself and efforts.
4. No Proper About or Contact Page
A lot of store owners end up underestimating the sales potential of their About page. Have a look at your own analytics and you'll likely find your About page is either the second most visited page or in the top three. That means this page is important to visitors.
Even though this is one of the most important pages for your visitors, many new online merchants tend to skimp on this page. Don’t.
Let's look at some of the biggest mistakes people make on their About and Contact pages:
No Story - Who exactly are you? How did your store come to be? What’s the story of your products? How are they made? You don't need to create an elaborate story, however, a few paragraphs that store visitors can relate to are hugely beneficial.
No Location Details - Yes, you’re an online store, but that doesn’t mean people don’t look for an address. Many visitors still want to know where you're located and where your products ship from. For many visitors, it’s just an issue of trust, for others they want to know if they need to consider customs and duties if your products ship from another country.
Using A Generic Email Address - Yes, Gmail is great but that's not going to cut it for your business. So many first time merchants are guilty of using a generic, throwaway email address. What does that say to customers? Take the time to set up a proper domain name ( and set up proper email addresses to let your customers know you're in it for the long haul.
Must Read: How To Write The Perfect About Page
5. Not Actually Thinking About Overall SEO Strategy
Probably the most common problem with new online stores is not doing any SEO or not doing it properly. It’s not rocket science but it’s not easy either. Coupled with the fact that SEO can take a while to show any signs of success and it ends up being a complete afterthought (if even a thought at all) for most new online businesses.
The thing is, SEO is quite necessary and can be one of your most powerful tools as it can continue to bring in targeted traffic to your site, day after day after day. Unlike channels like Facebook and Google Adwords which stop delivering traffic the second you stop paying.
Can you list the top 10 keywords you’re trying to target in the long term right now? If you can’t, it’s time to actually think about your SEO and keyword strategy.
6. Focusing On Too Many Things
Business is hard and complicated. Imagine a brain surgeon doing multiple surgeries at one time. It would be disaster! The same holds true for building a business. Sure someone's life isn’t on the line, but the life of your business likely is.
All too often, entrepreneurs get scattered, chasing their tails, the next shiny app or growth hacking tactic instead of finishing that they started. This leads to a scattered approach that will rarely show positive results for the business.
In a previous post we discussed the importance of focus for your ecommerce business. Focusing on too many channels taxes your energy and will rarely produce the desired outcome. Focus on one task at a time, one channel at a time and one goal at a time.
7. Not Giving Each Marketing Channel a Fair Shot
Finally, one of the most common mistakes new ecommerce entrepreneurs and veterans alike make is not dedicating enough time, energy and money to each marketing channel. Along with being one of the most common mistakes, this also can be the biggest mistake for your store.
There are many ways to get traffic for your store. There’s literally hundreds of marketing channels, however, none are something you can flick a switch for.
Whether it’s search engine optimization, search engine marketing, Facebook Ads, Instagram marketing or influencer outreach, they are require a really solid effort and sometimes money. Spending $50 on Facebook ads and not getting any sales doesn’t mean the channel doesn’t work and you should give up on it. It may just take more money to find the right audience that will respond best or changing the ad design and copy to something that speaks to your audience better. It really does take some time and patience to figure each channel out.
When building an online business, prioritize and tackle one channel at a time. This means strategically choosing the channels that you believe will work best for your business and taking the time to understand the inner workings of that particular channel, strategically planning your attack, giving the channel enough time and money to prove itself and tracking the results carefully.
Building a business is hard work, however, no matter how much work you put in, the small details as outlined in this post can sabotage your efforts and hard work.
Make sure you regularly take some time to take an objective look at your store, your marketing channels and your goals to make sure you're on the right path and you’ll be well on your way to more traffic and sales for your online store.
About The Author
Richard Lazazzera is a an ecommerce entrepreneur and Content Strategist in charge of customer success at Shopify. Get more from Richard on his blog.
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Great Advice from Lisa Price on Staying True to Your Authenticity
Lisa Price, Founder of Carols Daughter
Once you've reached that milestone when you're ready to start delegating major responsibilities, you'll have to perform a tricky balancing act.
Lisa Price, founder of Carol's Daughter, which specializes in natural beauty and hair products, says that relinquishing a bit of power comes with its benefits.
"As you go through the process, you'll discover that those things that you're fearful of giving up, you really gain different securities and checks and balances that you may not have had before," she says.
However, be careful not to completely hand over the aspects of your company that make it uniquely yours.
"What can happen is when other people come in and they have 15 years of experience in the industry and they've done this for 10 years or 20 years, you think: well, they know better," Price says. "And you listen to them. But then you can see the reaction from your customer may not be quite what you want it to be."
When Price saw this, she got back involved with her brand's messaging. Though she keeps an open mind about how to deliver that message, she's adamant about preserving the company's original personality.
"Whatever the message is of your brand, whatever that DNA is, whatever it is that makes you authentic, you always have to push that forward. Always," she says.
Check out the video below for more on Price's messaging strategy.
A Few Quick Tips on Building Business Credit
A good business credit score is a key tool for building your small business. In addition to proving that you're handling your company's finances responsibly, a positive credit rating may help you get lower interest rates on business financing and better terms with your product/service suppliers. Down the road, your business credit history can also serve as a positive "financial snapshot" of your company for potential business partners or buyers.
Here's what new business owners should know: Personal credit scores generally range from 350-850, but business credit runs on a 0-100 scale. The higher your score, the better. The main three agencies that report business credit are Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. And although it can take a little time to establish credit for your new business, it's actually relatively simple to do so.
- Create a "track record." Potential creditors want reassurance that your company is legitimate and trustworthy, especially if you're a young business owner, says Ty Crandall, author of Business Credit Decoded. Maintaininga professional image helps, and that can include basics such as having a good-quality website and a professional e-mail address (not " Even more important: If you have an outside office, list your company's name-;rather than your personal name-;on your lease and utility bills. Those payments may be reported to the credit-reporting agencies and are a simple way to begin establishing your company's credit track record.
- Get a D-U-N-S® number. This nine-digit number uniquely identifies your business with Dun & Bradstreet, the largest business credit-reporting agency. It's similar to how a Social Security number identifies an individual to the personal credit reporting agencies, Crandall explains. You can apply for a free D-U-N-S number at Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. (, then use it whenever you apply for business credit. Some organizations, including government agencies, require a D-U-N-S number before they will work with you. Also good to know: "Businesses are often pushed to buy extra services along with their D-U-N-S, but you can get the number alone at no charge," Crandall says.
- Charge it. Small business owners should always separate business and personal expenses for tax and record-keeping purposes, according to Brian Ward, senior director for business information services at Experian. A smart way to do that--and build your business credit at the same time-;is to open a credit card in your company's name and use it only for business expenses. As you make consistent payments, your card issuer will report that information to the credit bureaus. Over time, that data can have a positive impact on your business credit score.
- Open credit lines with vendors. Future lenders want to see that you've handled past financial obligations responsibly, says Ward. A way to prove that is to open credit lines with suppliers (from office supply stores to delivery companies) who will extend you a small amount of starting credit and will agree to report your payment history to the credit reporting agencies. "Many vendors don't report accounts to the credit bureaus, so it's important to request that they do so," Ward says. Make your payments on schedule or even early to boost your business credit rating. Over time, you may prove your business worthy of larger credit lines and loans from both vendors and financial institutions.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
18 Mistakes That Kill New Businesses
Below you will find the 18 startup mistakes:
- Single Founder – as a single founder you have almost zero chance of getting funding from Paul Graham. Why? It’s not a coincidence, he says, that founders who succeeded did so as a team of at least two.
- Bad Location – you can change everything about a house but its location. Likewise, if your startup is in a bad location, you can’t change the nature of that location. It’s easier to move the startup. Where to? Silicon Valley.
- Marginal Niche – by choosing an obscure niche a startup may paint themselves in a corner. If you are afraid of competition, this is not the way to avoid it.
- Derivative Idea – there are only so many Twitters for pet owners one can come up with. The bottom line is that the Google of tomorrow will not be like Google.
- Obstinacy – or inability to adapt kills startups who would have survived had they not been too stubborn to see what their users were telling them.
- Hiring Bad Programmers – knowing a good programmer from a bad one often takes being a good one yourself, or having a trusted one on your team. Exceptional programmers are always in short supply. So the odds are stacked up against hiring good ones.
- Choosing the Wrong Platform – how fast you can scale will determine whether your startup lives or dies once you get traction. On the wrong platform scalability will be the bottleneck. And users often don’t wait for you to figure it out.
- Slowness in Launching – before you actually launch you are in the dark about whether your startup should even exist. The longer you delay the launch the more you delay getting the answer. If you are afraid to know what the answer is, you might want to ask yourself why.
- Launching Too Early – launch too early, though, and you may be completely unprepared to handle your growth, or worse yet to present a usable product.
- Having No Specific User in Mind – somewhere someone will for sure be interested in your product, you just don’t know who yet? Sounds like those people may not exist. Be sure to check.
- Raising Too Little Money – you get what you spend on. With too little money you may not be able to flesh out your product in to its full potential.
- Spending Too Much – spending too much before you grew enough to have the numbers to raise the next round, and you are out of cash, which often spells the end.
- Raising Too Much Money – raising too much will likely make you feel like a huge success even before you made anything useful. At the end of the day it’s users, not investors, you want to impress the most.
- Poor Investor Management – if the choice is between making investors happy or making your users happy, always choose the users. If the user is happy your investors will make money eventually.
- Sacrificing Users to (Supposed) Profit – you can always make money later. This however, cannot be said about making users happy. You need to make something they want now.
- Not Wanting to Get Your Hands Dirty – you can’t solve all your problems with coding. Businesses are built on relationships. Go out and meet those people.
- Fights Between Founders – founder conflict is too common. Founders being ambitious people are almost bound to disagree.
- A Half-Hearted Effort – a lack of determination to see the startup through to the end is not rare. If you feel like you have other options in life than building your startup, you will probably mentally hang on to them.
50 Things You Should Start Making At Home
50 Things You Can Start Making
Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t break the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family.
Homemade Mayonnaise – This is a great recipe for any mayonnaise lover out there wanting to make their own at home, it’s simple and easy and tastes better than the store bought versions.
Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. With only 3 ingredients you can make a simple tasty Peanut Butter for your whole family.
Simple Loaf Of Bread – This is a classic recipe for you to make and stop buying your normal weekly loaf of bread – nothing beats the smell of freshly baked bread. Saving you pennies and preservatives.
Homemade Nutella – It would make more sense to give your children chocolate spread which you made and know exactly what is in right? Then how about this fantastic recipe…
Homemade Butter – Instead of buying preservative laden, calorific heavy butter from the store, make your own butter with just 4 ingredient and a standard kitchen mixer…so simple yet so tasty.
Homemade Yogurt – This recipe makes a thick and creamy yogurt that would rival any store bought version. Once you learn this method you won’t be buying it again!
Spice Mixers – Did you know that store bought spice mixers and rubs have all sorts of questionable ingredients in them like fillers, preservatives and other unwanted fake flavor enhancers? It is far healthier, cheaper and tastier to make your own, here are 17 combinations to start you off…
Salad Dressing – This simple recipe for homemade salad dressing will jazz up any old salad and make it fabulous. Forget the store bought versions, get your aprons on and get making.
Homemade Maple Syrup – This classic sauce is so expensive nowadays, did you know it is so simple and easy to collect your own!
Honey Shampoo – This shampoo helps reduce frizz, combat dandruff, moisturizer and softens you hair all in one. A natural, kind to your skin shampoo that will make you think twice next time you are in the store.
Coconut Oil Deep Conditioner – With just three ingredients, you can whip up an economical, natural and luxurious conditioner to treat your hair, leaving it soft, manageable and shiny.
Body Wash – If you want to save money but have little time to spare, then this is the natural alternative is for you. A simple recipe and method which makes a soapy bubbly wash great for all skin types.
Shaving Cream – This shaving cream will leave your skin soft and smelling fantastic. With ingredients like coconut oil, Shea butter, mint and rosemary you will feel invigorated and fresh after every shave.
Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste – Ditch those commercial toothpastes on the market and opt for this natural re-mineralizing toothpaste that encourages white healthy teeth and improves oral health.
Minty Mouthwash – Not only is it chemical and alcohol-free, it’s practically free, well nearly is at $0.02 /oz! You will save loads on money this, and improve your family’s oral health at the same time – simple.
Super Strength Herbal deodorant - Rather than use expensive chemical filled deodorants, why not make your own? This requires just a few ingredients, is “super strength” and totally natural!
Honey, Beeswax & Almond Oil Moisturizing Creme – This recipe was first devised almost 2000 years ago. It’s thick, velvety and decadent qualities will leave your skin silky smooth and hydrated.
Homemade Natural Sun Screen – Most sun screens contain toxic chemicals and other harmful ingredients that could actually damage you when they should be protecting you. Check out this natural alternative and make the swap.
Cleansing Wipes – These organic wipes are totally natural and only contain ingredients you are aware of. Perfect for cleansing your face or as baby wipes for diaper changes.
Mascara – Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, nickel, lead and thallium are toxins we do NOT want to be applying to our skin! So opt for this homemade version and you will save money and protect your skin.
Tinted Lipstick – This recipe includes beeswax pastilles, Shea/cocoa butter and coconut oil. It allows you to customize it with different natural powders, such as beetroot powder for red hues, cocoa powder for brown hues and bentonite clay for a matte texture.
Eye Liner – How would you like to be able to make your own natural eyeliner (which can also be used as a smokey eyeshadow) for just $0.24? If yes – then check this recipe out.
Bronzer – This homemade bronzer is really easy to make, simple to customize and so much better for your skin than store-bought varieties. A brilliant way of saving money too.
Natural Blush – Give your cheeks a rosy tint and brighten up your complexion with this easy natural blush recipe. Cosmetics are so pricey these days now really is the time to start making your own.
Foundation – This foundation from Robin at contains all natural and non-toxic ingredients, it works fantastically (see a before and after foundation picture on the blog) and it’s really easy to make.
Under Eye Serum – Ingredients such as tamanu oil, vitamin E oil, grapefruit seed extract, avocado oil, carrot seed oil and more make this such an effective anti-wrinkle eye serum that is totally natural.
Copycat Burts Bees Lip Balm – This wonderful copy cat recipe from reveals how you can make your own version of Burts Bees Lip Balm (Normally priced $2.50) for just $0.12 per tube – what an incredible saving!
Lavender Bath Salts – Making these lavender bath salts couldn’t be simpler. You need just a few ingredients such as Epsom salts, sea salt, dried lavender buds and lavender essential oil and then you just have to follow the instructions.
Anti-wrinkle Cream – Have you ever been tempted by those “miracle” creams that will make you look “ten years younger” that all the major beauty companies produce? Well most are packed with chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients and on top of that, they are outrageously expensive. Make your own instead!
Lemon Lavender Aromatherapy Candle – These Lemon Lavender Aromatherapy Candles burn clear and fragrant – unlike many toxic store bought candles that release smoke and soot – and will make a wonderful addition to your home.
Reed Diffusers With Essential Oils – You can buy one in the stores, but usually they are quite expensive and the scents are made primarily from chemicals. Instead why not make your own at home? You can use any essential oils you like and can blend different oils together to create an aroma that is perfect for you and your family.
Homemade Potpourri – Potpourri is so simple to make it would be silly to pay for it. You can tailor the fragrances with your favorite smells and add some seasonal elements to make it even more special.
Homemade Herbal Incense – Incense can be a wonderful way to add a beautiful aroma to your home so take a look at this fantastic video which shows you how to make your own homemade incense with herbs.
DIY Scented Plug-in Refill – This fantastic tutorial which reveals how to get rid of the horrible toxic liquid found in chemical laden store bought plug-ins and replace it with health giving, wonderfully fragrant, toxin free essential oils.
Essential Oil Jelly Air Freshener – The great thing about these jelly air fresheners are that you can add ANY essential oil you want to, or even blend a few different oils together. Perfect if you have a particular scent you are trying to create.
Homemade ‘Fake Febreeze’ - A bottle of Febreeze is currently selling on Amazon for a whopping $6.99, yet you can make a homemade version that’s just as effective (and natural) for only $0.15. If you buy just one bottle per month, then that’s a monthly saving of $6.75 – and a yearly saving of $81! (We suggest you use a homemade natural fabric softener for this recipe.)
Homemade Mod Podge – If you are a keen crafter and go through tonnes of Mod Podge then why not have a go at making some for yourself, you will be surprised at how much you will save.
Un-paper Towels – Are you fed up of buying endless paper towels? If so, then this is the answer for you, these will act just like paper towels, but look pretty, and are totally re-usable, meaning you only have to purchase the materials once. Not forgetting them being economically friendly.
Homemade Natural Bleach Alternative – If you find bleach cleaners too strong and sometimes irritate your skin or eyes, then this alternative promises to clean just like bleach but without the harmful side affects.
Beeswax Furniture Polish – This is a really simple recipe for a beeswax furniture polish that will restore shine and add gloss to your wooden furniture returning it to its original beauty. No need for expensive store bought polish!
Homemade Bath Tub Scrub – A wonderful bathtub scrub enriched with lemon essential oil and a surprising ingredient…ground up eggshells which give the scrub its abrasiveness and mixed with baking soda and a citrus-y essential oil makes this fantastic bathtub scrub a real winner.
World’s Best Homemade Laundry Detergent – It is all natural, it is much cheaper (you’ll be saving around $0.16 per load!), it cleans incredibly effectively, it works in all washer types and it’s also safe for septic tanks.
Homemade Liquid Dish Soap – This homemade liquid dish soap is fantastic. It’s natural, organic and antibacterial. Plus it’s a great money saver! To make a 32 oz batch costs about $1.20 compared to $4.47 for the equivalent in Dawn dish soap.
All-Natural Foaming Hand Soap – This homemade foaming hand soap is: natural, green, non-toxic, chemical free, organic, gentle and Antibacterial. What more could you want from a hand soap?
Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Cubes- These are so simple to make, it simply requires mixing four simple ingredients together: washing soda, Epsom salt, Borax and lemon juice and then allowing to dry. The resulting cubes work wonders on your dishes!
Homemade Natural Fabric Softener – Want to make your laundry smell amazing, stay fresh and soft, well this is the recipe for you. Most fabric softeners are really toxic and could be harmful to skin.
Natural Disinfectant Spray - It contains just four ingredients: water, eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree essential oil (all of which can be bought here). The essential oils have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic properties helping to clean and disinfect surfaces in your home without the chemicals, without the expense and with a wonderful aroma, too!
Non-Toxic Glass Cleaner – Here’s a great tutorial revealing how to make your own green, non-toxic, all-natural glass cleaner for just $0.45 per bottle! Best of all, this cleaner works better than any commercial cleaner you can buy in the stores – and you can feel happy that you are not putting yours – or your families – health at risk with toxic chemicals.