Tuesday, March 3, 2015

30 after 30

30 things I've learned after turning 30

March 2, 2015 , I turned 33 and thought to myself, "wow, I am definitely, a better person and woman I was before hitting 30". Everyone asked me how I felt to be 33 and my answer was....Amazing! 33 feels absolutely amazing. I feel like I know myself, I like myself, and I'm true to myself. I think these few things help with living a healthy, happy, successful life. So while on vacation in the Dominican Republic, I decided to write down 30 things I learned in my years that contribute to the most amazing person I am at 33. I will pick a few and go in depth on my podcast on soundcloud.
  1. Prayer is key.
  2. Be better than you. You are your only competition.
  3. How you start is not always how you finish.
  4. When you know better, you do better.
  5. I have never had a prayer go unanswered.
  6. Be honest with yourself and in return others.
  7. Take your time. Patience.
  8. There are other virtues besides Patience.
  9. You sincerely get out of any situation what you put in.
  10. Don't prolong the ending.
  11. Time should not be wasted.
  12. Take time out to spend with your family.
  13. Chase your Dreams, not Money.
  14. The day you quit could have been the day you made it.
  15. Listen you your inner self.
  16. Go with your first instinct.
  17. Your business will not be built on the support of family and friends.
  18. As you grow, you will out grow some people, places, and things.
  19. The more money you make, the more exciting saving is.
  20. You can be whatever you are in your mind. Your imagination is your only limit.
  21. Birds of a feather do flock together.
  22. If you chase two rabbits, they both will get away.
  23. Commercial food sold out of a window is 99% harmful to your body.
  24. No is ok.
  25. Closed doors are most times blessings in disguise.
  26. Hire wisely. 
  27. Reading your way to the top is possible.
  28. Some people will doubt you because of what they think of you, not what you know you are capable of.
  29. Everything you think does not have to be spoken. You can not take words back
  30. Be persistent and diligent. Nothing succeeds success
  31. ***honorable mention: Cook for your man.  There is something special in the home cooked meal. Take my word. 

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